Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Intro: Lizzie

Hey everyone! I'm Lizzie- one half of this new blog. My friend Christine and I created this blog because we are both giant nerds, and somewhat lack an outlet. We've both been big fans of the booktube community for maybe two years now, and I've always wanted to try it. However, I wasn't sure that it would be the smartest move to put my face on the web. So here we are! Blogging instead of vlogging.

Christine and I will probably blog about different fandoms, so the important thing to look out for is the title. We'll try to add a colon and then whoever is writing afterwards. We both have similar interests, but there are, like I said, things that differ. Here's my intro.

My posts will fall into the following categories.
1. Books. Every time I finish a new book I'm going to try to review it on here. This will have absolutely no time schedule since I could end up reading two books a month or twelve. Christine will probably review books as well, but I don't how she'll do hers.
2. Superhero Sunday? (Name may be subject to change.) Thanks to Marvel's Daredevil I've started to venture out into the comic universe. I'm new at this, so don't get your hopes up for a spiffy comic know-it-all. I'll review the graphic novels I've gotten my hands on, rant about the upcoming movies and TV shows, and more. This first Sunday will also include a brief intro to let all of you know what I'm most into, and what I'm lacking in.
3. TV. I didn't used to be that big on TV until Christine introduced me to Doctor Who. Speaking of Christine, she may not be into comics, but she watches just as much TV as I do, so you can bet that she'll blog on this too. But just so you know what you can expect from me, here is what is I've watched and what is on my Netflix watch list: *could be discussed on SS
Doctor Who (watched)
Sherlock (watched)
Lost (watched)
Daredevil* (watched)
The 100 (1st season)
Arrow* (currently watching 2nd season)
Flash* (to watch)
Clone Wars (yes, it's on my re-watch list. Haven't seen this show in forever!)
Gravity Falls (watched)
Firefly (to watch)
Turn: Washington's Spies (may watch)
Agents of Shield* (to watch)
Agent Carter* (to watch)
Revolution (finished pilot)
Coninuum (on season 1)
So yeah. Don't expect something like Family Guy or Gossip Girl.

4. Movies. Most of this will be on book to movie adaptations, Marvel movies*, and Disney. Rarely to I care about anything else. (Jurassic World is my current exception. That was perfection.)
5. Web series. I really loved "Nothing Much to Do" and "The Lizzie Benet Diaries" (is that how you spell Benet because what that looks wrong spell check what are you doing?). I'm looking forward to watching Jules and Monty and Lovely Little Losers!
So yeah! That's my fandoms! Hope to see some of you soon, and I hope you enjoy!

You can email us at nerdchilllin@gmail.com.
Lizzie's tumblr is: superxburrito.tumblr.com
Christine's tumblr is: thepsychoticwriter.tumblr.com
And our shared tumblr is nerdchillin.tumblr.com

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